- graphic display of the normalized energy value and emotional-physical imbalance of the energy centres of human body, chakras, on the basis of processing of GDV-images of 10 fingers. Calculation of GDV-chakras is based on the idea of the connection of a chakra with the part of the finger to which the corresponding systems of human body are projected:
The Muladhara Chakra – the lower part of the second finger corresponding to the sacral and coccyx plexus;
The Swadhisthanna Chakra – the lower part of the fourth finger corresponding to the sacral plexus, urogenital system;
The Manipura Chakra - the lower part of the third finger corresponding to the solar plexus, digestive system;
The Anahata Chakra - the lower part of the fifth finger corresponding to the cardiac plexus, blood circulation system;
The Vishuddha Chakra - the lower part of the first finger corresponding to the throat zone;
The Ajna Chakra – the upper part of the first finger corresponding to the forehead;
The Sahasrara Chakra - the upper part of the fourth finger corresponding to the cerebral cortex, the entire nervous system.
- presentation of the table containing numeric values of the calculated chakra parameters.
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