The Congress was attended by scientists, medical doctors, specialists, teachers and coaches from Russia, Republic of Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, China, Mongolia, Peru, USA, France, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Finland and Japan. On the whole there were 386 participants from 108 organizations.
By the beginning of the conference the Congress Proceedings had been published and a CD with papers and presentations had been prepared.
The Congress Program consisted of 55 lectures and took place in two halls. At the plenary meeting on July 1 the Professors Korotkov K.G., J. Pollack (USA), Shui Yin Lo (USA), Eshel Ben Jacob (Israel) and Voeikov V.L. gave their talks on the following topics “ 15 years of epi/gdv bioelectrography”, “The enigma of water”, “A new solid phase of water and its healing properties”, “Reflections in the water as life tissue; from bacteria to human” and “Intrinsic activity of aqueous systems is the basis of the biological evolution”, respectively.
The talks on July 2 and 3 were about applications of GDV in medicine, biology, water and environmental studies. A number of lectures attracted everybody’s attention:
Yakovleva E.G. | Diagnostic system of detecting patients with arterial hypertension and its complications based on the bioelectrography method |
Bulatova T.E. | Dynamics of the results of GDV-images of students |
Semenikhin E.E. | Correlation regularities of GDV and psychology testing |
Senkin V.V. | Practical verification of GDV-phenomena as a necessary requirement of using the computer bioelectrography method |
Sergeev S.S. | A 10-year experience of bioelectrography measurements of human capital |
James Hopson | GDV and astrology |
Erdenetuyaa S. | Study of bioenergy level of residents of Goby and steppe regions in Mongolia |
Bordes S. | Sports nutrition and altitude (acclimatization) interest of supplementation |
Berne S. | Research: Effect Of Dolphins On The Human Biofield Using Gdv Analysis |
Velasquez R. | Squamous cell carcinoma treated with conventional and alternative medicine. |
Milroy M. | Psycho-Spiritual Analysis of GDV Capture through Astrological Assessment |
Andrianne P. | Contribution of GDV Bioelectrography to visualize the biological potential energy of tree buds used in gemmotherapy |
A round table was arranged within the conference; demonstration of diagnostic facilities and methods was carried out.
A special even within the Congress was held in the largest exhibition hall of St. Petersburg, Manege on Isaac’s Square, with an exhibition of modern paintings “Genii and Masterpieces”. On July 2 there was a presentation of the memorial plaque and a monument to Natalia Petrovna Bekhtereva. At the presentation the author, sculptor Grigory Potosky gave a speech; after that a number of the Congress participants gave their talks on the Congress topics.
Within the Congress a scientific-practical conference “Innovative technologies in the sports of high achievements” was held; it was attended by sport doctors, medical workers and researchers.
The XV International Scientific Congress “Science. Information. Spirit” again showed great interest in Russia and other countries of the world to new fields in the development of science and a growing potential of GDV bioelectrography method.