Abstracts will be published in author's edition in Russian and English languages.
Requirements for abstracts:
- Not more than 1 page of text without figures and links;
- MS Word, А4 - Times New Roman, 1.5 intervals;
- TITLE - uppercase bold letters, 14 pt;
- Authors, organization, e-mail - 12 pt; (center alignment);
- text - 14 pt. (width alignment);
- fields – 25 mm from all sides;
- break line - 1,25 mm.
Articles will be published in author's edition in Russian and English.
Requirements for articles:
- Articles should be not more than 10 pages of text including literature, tables and figures.
- MS Word, А4 - Times New Roman, 1.5 intervals;
- TITLE - uppercase bold letters, 14 pt;
- Authors, organization, e-mail - 12 pt; (center alignment);
- text - 14 pt. (width alignment);
- fields – 25 mm from all sides;
- break line - 1,25 mm;
- Images and tables may be colored or black-and white.
Poster presentations
- Should be done on posters 63 x 90 cm (6 А4-pages).
All materials (including poster presentations) should be sent by e-mail to the Organizing Committee: info@gdvsale.com (Subject – Congress 2013) before May, 15 2013.
Notice! The Organizing Committee reserves the right of selecting papers for publication, correction of the Russian and English texts reduction of the materials without preliminary authors’ agreement.
Deadline for submitting the materials - May, 15th, 2013